Survey on discrimination, sexual harassment and violence among students and employees of Ulm University

Project leadership

  • Profilbild von Prof. Dr. med. Jörg M. Fegert

    Prof. Dr. med. Jörg M. Fegert

    Ärztlicher Direktor der Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie/Psychotherapie

  • Profilbild von Prof. Dr. Vera Clemens

    Prof. Dr. Vera Clemens

Project background

German higher education institutions are not immune to incidences of sexual harassment and violence as certain structural and socio-cultural conditions abet boundary violations. Power imbalances and dependency structures are conducive to acts of sexual harassment (Schröttle et al., 2019). With this in mind, the pervasiveness of sexual harassment in the university context is not surprising. According to the Country Report Germany as part of an EU-wide study on sexual harassment, stalking and sexual violence against female students, more than half of the students surveyed reported having been sexually harassed during their time at university (Feltes et al., 2012).

Project description

The purpose of this survey is to investigate the prevalence of discrimination, sexual harassment and violence among employees and students at Ulm University as well as potential consequences and risk factors.

The aim is also to raise awareness of discrimination and sexual harassment and, in the long term, to create an atmosphere of respectful interaction through preventive measures.

The survey is anonymous. An evaluation at participant level is not possible. The survey does not intend to initiate disciplinary action or similar.

The questionnaire was drawn up in cooperation with the EU-wide project UniSAFE.

The survey is conducted under the direction of Prof. Clemens, head of the working group 'Prevalence of sexual harassment in the health sector', and Prof. Fegert, director of the Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the University Medical Centre Ulm, in collaboration with Dr. Güttel, Office for Gender Equality (Equal Opportunities). The Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy has been playing a significant role in the promotion, development and implementation of concepts for protection in institutions from the very beginning.


Feltes, List, Schneider and Höfker (2012) Gender-based Violence, Stalking and Fear of Crime. . Länderbericht Deutschland. Bochum.

Schröttle M, Meshkova K and Lehmann C (2019) Umgang mit sexueller Belästigung am Arbeitsplatz - Lösungsstrategien und Maßnahmen zur Intervention.


  • Profilbild von  Noemi Preisendanz

    Noemi Preisendanz
