Patients of all nationalities are very welcome at Ulm University Hospital.
Our International Patient Office supports patients from all over the world with all formalities if they wish to seek medical help at our hospital.
Our medical service in diagnostics and treatment combines healthcare services with research and teaching. This enables rapid access to the latest scientific findings for diagnostics and therapy. Every day, our clinical and scientific experts strive for a better understanding of human diseases and more effective treatments for our patients.
Based on this comprehensive approach, medical treatment at Ulm University Hospital offers comprehensive healthcare in all medical disciplines. Our aim is to define the best possible therapy for each clinical picture through interdisciplinary co-operation between our departments. In our clinics and special treatment centres, highly qualified doctors and nursing staff treat patients with particular care.
Around 50,000 patients are treated as inpatients at Ulm University Hospital every year. In addition, around 300,000 outpatient treatments are carried out each year.

Depending on how many clinics were involved in your treatment, your final invoice will be issued approximately 8 - 12 weeks after completion of your medical treatment. Any overpayments will of course be refunded. If the final invoice is higher than the advance invoice, the difference must be paid immediately.
We require your bank details for a possible refund - please leave them at the patient admission desk or contact us.
All our enquiries are assessed individually according to the patient's clinical picture. For this purpose, it is necessary that we receive comprehensive medical findings from you in order to create a realistic price calculation. Our calculations for inpatient treatments are based on the German DRG system.
Please note that treatments may not be limited to an advance invoice. If further treatments are necessary, you will receive an additional advance invoice.
After receiving our advance invoice, please transfer the full amount to the bank account indicated. As soon as we have received your payment, we can schedule a treatment or admission date.
These are the following services which you can receive in addition to general hospital services:
- Single room
- Double room with another patient
- Admission of an accompanying person
- Medical treatment by the head physician (at Ulm University Hospital, this refers to the medical directors)
Please note that additional charges apply for these services.
If you are being treated by a head physician (at Ulm University Hospital, this refers to the medical directors), you are entitled to their full personal attention. Please note that this optional service applies to all chief physicians who are involved in your medical treatment during your stay. For example, if you are having an operation, you will not only receive the full attention of the head physician for the operation, but also that of the radiology, anaesthetics and laboratory medicine departments.
A cost estimate for inpatient treatment is made up of the following components:
The hospital services are billed via the DRG (Diagnosis Related Groups) flat rate and the nursing care revenue, as well as additional charges and surcharges. We use the current state base rate as a basis for calculating the DRG flat rate. The current nursing revenue flat rate is used to calculate the nursing revenue.
If desired, additional optional services can be utilised.
The amount must always be paid before the treatment. For the bank transfer, please use the bank details stated on the advance invoice, using the reference stated on the advance invoice.
All fees incurred upon payment (e.g. fees from payment by credit card or bank transfer) will be charged to the patient or cost bearer.
Medical treatment is possible with an S2 form or an EHIC (in an emergency).
You can apply for a declaration of assumption of costs, a so-called S2 form, from your statutory health insurance provider before any planned treatment. You will have to bear the costs for services that are covered by statutory health insurance in your home country but not in Germany.
1. request the S2 form (formerly E112) from your health insurance company in your home country.
The following should always be noted on this form:
- Medical indication in German/English
- the planned treatment procedure in German/English, if known
- the treating clinic: Ulm University Hospital
- the period of validity
2. send a copy of the form to a German health insurance company of your choice.
After checking and approving the submitted form, you will receive a billing slip with an insurance number from the German health insurance company.
3. please send us a copy of the S2 form and the invoice in advance by e-mail.
4. on the first day of treatment, please bring the originals (S2 form and German billing form) with you to patient admission.
We will then settle your treatment directly with the health insurance company.
Please note: According to the statutory provisions of German social insurance law, insured persons must pay a co-payment of 10 euros for each calendar day in hospital, up to a maximum of 28 days of inpatient treatment, in accordance with Section 39 (4) of the German Social Security Code (SGB V).
If you require medical treatment due to an emergency, the costs are covered by presenting your valid EHIC, which you will receive from your statutory health insurance provider. This is not a substitute for travel insurance, so no private healthcare benefits or repatriation to your home country will be covered.
Ulm University Hospital co-operates with several embassies and insurance companies. If you are interested in medical treatment that is paid for by an embassy or insurance company, please contact us. You will find the contact details at the bottom of the page under "Contact".
If the cost assumption covers all services already provided and the planned treatments and there are therefore no outstanding items, the advance payment can be transferred back to you. Please contact us so that we can initiate the repayment.
If you require confirmation of your planned medical treatment in order to apply for a visa, please contact us.
In the event that you do not have sufficient language skills, it is advisable to consult an interpreter. For planned stays, you are required to organise an interpreter yourself if necessary. In an emergency, many of our multilingual staff at Ulm University Hospital are involved in a voluntary interpreting service.
Fees for interpreters and mediators cannot be paid by Ulm University Hospital.
Ulm University Hospital attaches great importance to the protection of your personal and medical data. Our employees are obliged to comply with strict data protection guidelines.
You can find all accommodation options in our range of optional services.
You can find information about our patient rooms here.
Unfortunately, we cannot arrange participation in studies. However, if you would like to take part in a study, please get in touch with the contact person at the relevant study centre.
Unfortunately, we cannot offer any support for initiating appeals for donations.
If you would like to make a treatment enquiry, please send us all relevant information to the following e-mail address:
For a precise assessment of the treatment options, we require current (not older than three months) letters, findings, laboratory values, X-ray, CT and MRI images. The documents should be in German or English. Large image files should be sent on a CD or other data carrier. Please send them by post to the following address:
Ulm University Hospital
Hospital Administration B III 1b Revenue Management
International Patient Office
Albert-Einstein-Allee 29
89081 Ulm
As soon as we have received this information, your enquiry will be forwarded to the relevant specialist department in our hospital and we will inform you as soon as we have received a response.
Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the return of documents sent by post. We therefore ask you not to send original documents by post, but only copies of them.
The contact persons in the International Office can be found under "Contact" at the bottom of this page.
As a rule, a treatment enquiry is processed within one week. This assumes that all necessary medical documents are available and informative. However, due to the high capacity utilisation, the response to an enquiry may take longer than expected.

Ulm is located on the banks of the Danube in Baden-Württemberg. On the opposite bank of the Danube is Neu-Ulm - the counterpart to the city on the Bavarian side of the river. Ulm is beautifully situated and the ideal starting point for recreation and relaxation: Lake Constance and the Alps are only 1.5 hours away by car and the Swabian Alb is close by.
Ulm is internationally renowned for its cathedral with the highest church tower in the world. If you are not afraid of heights and dare to climb the steps to the top of the church tower, you can look down on the city and the surrounding area from a height of 161.53 metres. The Ulm Museum is located in the direct neighbourhood of Ulm Minster. The next attraction is already waiting there. It is only 39cm tall, 32,000 years old and has the shape of a lion's head: the oldest known man-made sculpture in the world. The Ulm Museum also provides cultural insights into the history of the city and the lives of its two most famous citizens: Albert Einstein and Sophie Scholl.
In the romantic old town, the fishermen's quarter, the charm of a cosy fishing village with numerous small alleyways, squares and pretty half-timbered houses can still be felt today. The babbling of the Blau, a tributary of the Danube that flows through the fishermen's quarter, can be heard everywhere. Numerous cafés along the small river invite you to linger.
Further information about the city:
- Phone: +49731 - 500 66346
- Fax: +49731 - 500 12 66346
Albert-Einstein-Allee 29
D-89081 Ulm