Prof. Dr. med. Markus Huber-Lang

Institute of Clinical and Experimental Trauma Immunology
Phone: 0731 500-54801
Fax: 0731 500-54818
Scientific Qualifications
since 2019 Founding Director of the Research Building Multidimensional Trauma Sciences (MTW)
since 2017 Director, Institute of Clinical & Experimental Trauma-Immunology, University Hospital Ulm
since 2015 Co-Speaker of the Collaborative Research Center CRC 1149
2010 W3-Professorship for Clinical and Experimental Trauma-Immunology
2008-2015 Leader DFG Clinical Research Unit KFO200
2005 Habilitation in Surgery, University of Ulm
2002-2008 Leader DFG Emmy Noether Research Group, University of Ulm
1998-2000 Postdoc, Dept. of Pathology, University of Michigan, USA
1996 Dissertation, Dept. of Physiology (Prof. Dr. R. Greger), University Freiburg
Professional Career
since 2023 Dean of Research, Medical Faculty, University of Ulm
since 2017 Director, Institute of Clinical & Experimental Trauma-Immunology, University Hospital Ulm
2023 MBA in Leadership and Management in Healthcare, International Business School,
University of Applied Sciences (HNU), Neu-Ulm, Germany
2007-2017 Trauma Surgeon, Dept. of Traumatology (Prof. Dr. F. Gebhard),
University Hospital Ulm
2015 Master of Medical Education (MME), University of Heidelberg, Germany
2007 Board Certification Trauma-Surgery, Germany
2006 Board Certification Surgery, Germany
2001-2006 Surgery Residency, Dept. of Traumatology (Prof. Dr. L. Kinzl),
University Hospital Ulm
1998 Medical License (Approbation), Germany
1996-1998 Internship (AiP), Dept. of Trauma Surgery (Prof. Dr. E. H. Kuner),
University Hospital Freiburg
1989-1996 Study of Medicine, Freiburg (Germany) and Stonybrook University New York (USA)
Teaching Activities
since 2000 Multiple Curricular Teaching Activities in Human Medicine, Molecular Medicine,
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
2012-2020 Founder and Head of the Teaching Research Task Force, Ulm University
2012-2015 Study of Medical Education (MME), University of Heidelberg, Germany
since 2010 Initiator and Head of the “Trauma-Study-Track”, Medical Faculty, Ulm University
since 2012 Co-Speaker "Experimental Medicine“ of the IGradU, Medical Faculty, Ulm University
2010 - 2019 Scientific Chair "Emergency Operation Course" for Surgeons, Ulm
2006 Certification for Academic Teaching, Baden-Wuerttemberg
Activities in the Research Systems
2023 President-elect International Federation of Shock Societies (IFSS)
2018-2021 President of the Section Basic Science (SGF/DGOU), Germany
2017-2019 President of the European Shock Society (ESS)
since 2017 Co-Speaker of the Scientific Community, DGOU, Germany
2016-2020 Co-Speaker of the Scientific Community, DGU, Germany
2011-2017 Founder and Leader "Trauma Research Network" (NTF), DGOU, Germany
2023 MBA Prospitalia Award, HNU, Neu-Ulm
2023 Ottmar-Trentz Achievement Award, European Society for Trauma and Emergency
Surgery, ECTES, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2012 Innovation Award of the DGU, Berlin
2012 Désiré Collen Award, International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH),
Liverpool, UK
2007 DFG-Invitation Nobel Laureates Meeting, Lindau
2006 Scultetus Price, Ulm
2006 Advancement Award Intensive Care Medicine, German Society of Surgery (DGCH), Berlin
2005 Merckle-Research Award, Ulm
2005 I. European Shock Society Award (100.000 €), Florida, USA
2002 Roger Bone Sepsis Award, DSG, Hamburg
- Founding member of the European Complement Network (ECN)
- European Society for Trauma & Emergency Surgery (ESTES)
- Deutsche Sepsis-Gesellschaft (DSG)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie (DGCH)
- European Shock Society (ESS)
- International Federation of Shock Societies (IFSS)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie (DGU)
- German Society for Immunology (DGfI)