For patients

Dear patient,

We would like to give you a brief information and assistance on the procedure at the Center for Rare Diseases in Ulm in advance. Further information can be found under the links below.

Download the necessary forms here and carefully fill out the documents:

To open these downloadable PDF files, you need the programme Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available online free of charge. You can download the latest version of the Acrobat Reader here.

Once Adobe Reader is installed, you can view the PDF files directly in your browser by clicking on the respective file symbol.

If your browser does not support PDF files or you want to save the document on your hard drive, right-click on the file symbol (in Windows) or keep the key pressed (Macintosh) and select 'Save link as...' from the context menu. Then choose the storage location on your hard drive.


Please note: Please note: We ask for your patience in processing your request. It may take longer due to the complexity of your request. Please note that the contact point of the Center for Rare Diseases (ZSE) Ulm does not guarantee acute care. In the case of acute conditions, you should first contact your family doctor or to the emergency surgeries in your area.


More Centers for Rare Diseases in Germany

Here you find the currently existing Rare Disease Centers in Germany. For further information, follow the link to the se-atlas website for people with rare diseases:


Health Care Atlas for People with Rare Diseases

The web-based information platform se-atlas provides an overview of the care options for people with rare diseases in Germany. The various care facilities and patient organisations for rare diseases are visualised both in an interactive map view and in the form of a list.